Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lovers Less Wild...do not satisfy

I find myself in a season of life unlike any other. Never, before now, have I been so constantly overwhelmed by the reality that this world is not my home. I was not created for this. The soul cravings I feel surging deep inside are real and they speak truth: my heart longs for its Creator. I am restless, incomplete, until I find myself wholly with Him. In the meantime, I live with a definite haunting and hunger. Sometimes the ache is so real and so deep that I feel I might break under the weight of it. The unsettled feelings I have are a response to the fact that I am wandering—searching for home. Where will I finally find my soul’s complete satisfaction? A few months ago I labeled these feelings satisfied longing. Recognizing the joy of being “found” in Christ, I am satisfied. Yet, there is still a longing. It is a deep desire to know more of Him, see more of Him, and experience more of Him. My heart was made for Him and so I am not content but when I am discovering Him. The more I discover of Him, the less I am satisfied with the “lovers” of this world; and so I strive to uncover His deep mysteries! This is my satisfied longing.

1 comment:

Dre Legit said...

hmmm. wow. That's all I can really say.