Thursday, September 16, 2010

the week i've had

i guess i shouldn't write about my week on thursday afternoon. it isn't over yet. oh well...

it has been a busy one. it has felt so crazy and disjointed. it has required a lot of me (maybe because i wasn't at full strength to begin with). it has been full of the lessons of "growing up" which means dealing with uncooperative people, car insurances, serious budgeting and financial planning, registering my car in illinois, renewing the license plate, changing my drivers license (all of which are still in progress. long story but hectic day at the DMV, bleh. i have to go back tuesday because their system shut down. sigh). and work was a little stressful this week. maybe i just didn't have the energy to teach the many life-lessons that present themselves each day. I did some of it, though, and battled the tantrums and struggled to motivate the not-so-motivated little students to work on homework. sigh. it felt like sink-or-swim this week and mostly i thought i was sinking, but i managed. C and i enjoyed a game of backyard soccer yesterday, despite his unwillingness to let me help S with her math homework first. it was a "life lesson" that we didn't pass up because, in the end, he learned something really valuable (i think). Is this what it's like to be a parent?! sheesh, bless your heart mom (and dad) for all you put up with...and for all your patient teaching.

dad reminded me this morning that this year is good because it has provided itself as a time for me to learn a lot of really good lessons about being independent, paying bills and handling finances, and learning what it means to live all the (not-always-so-fun) details of daily life (and, i guess, 'adulthood'). which reminds me, it's been *so good* to hear mom and dad's voices after a month of their being in Mexico. i've been missing them a lot.

i keep catching myself wondering, in the middle of it all, where this is taking me and what this is all preparing me for. and what i'll do after this year for a job because, well, i don't know what i'm really qualified to do. but i suppose i'm getting ahead of myself. i'm living the year, first, right? hmm. alright, i guess that's the update.

off to do work and laundry and driving the kiddos to dance and swim. i do so love these kids, though, have i mentioned that? as hard as it can sometimes be when they don't listen or decide to do battle with me, i really do love them more and more all the time. and saying goodbye will be very hard...

tonight i start pottery. i'm sure i'll have something to say about it. i'm kinda nervous! but oh so excited :)


the McGee family said...

are you living my life?!?! I think so! :) Glad you still love them at the end of it all. I often peek in to look at my little monster-turned-angel when he is sleeping. It's good for the soul. Too bad you don't have opportunity to do that.
Love you!

Andrea said...

yeah, that might be a helpful opportunity :) but i see the "angel" moments, too...