Monday, October 18, 2010

these autumn days

life is demanding that I pray the Lord's Prayer with new sensitivity, awareness, and humility. we've been studying it in church for several weeks. it's been really wonderful to have that prayer expanded and refreshed in needed ways. it's just that it's hard to live what it demands, you know? or live what it promises, for that matter. seems we often think we can figure life out on our own--figure out how to give out to and receive from God/others. but no, we really need His grace for all the giving and all the receiving. on our own, we aren't up for the task of living well (and living healthy). and i'm discovering again and again how much richer it is to realize myself joined to Him and joined to others in the task of living. it really is better this way. thank you, Lord, for blessing us in ways we hardly ever acknowledge.

fall is moving by at remarkable speed. it's nearly november. life has been so busy! but sprinkled into the busy days have been a handful of simple, wonderful well as a handful of really incredible people to share them with!

(and many more not pictured...)

i look forward to the coming of the "holiday season," which means Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday) and Christmas (a time of year that, for me, is unparalleled in it's simple beauty and deep wonder). agh. so much to look forward to! my heart is full. but i am reminded that i need to live each day with the care, intentionality, and gratefulness it deserves (even the difficult ones...). i hope we don't ever take this life for granted.

this weekend mariah, monica, melissa, and i are going to visit Grandma in the UP. third time up there this year! woo!! we are all so excited to get away for a little while. i'm anxious to enjoy all that the north country inevitably offers. it's so unique in its beauty. and i always love going to the house on Minnesota St. :)

also, i have a really cute niece and nephew...i miss them...can't wait to see them at Christmas!!


the McGee family said...

heck yeah!

Hallie said...

I loooove that picture of Luke at the top. haha!

I've been praying the Lord's prayer daily too, following a series my church did on it last fall. I think I know what you mean about discovering the gravity of a prayer by praying it daily. The manifestation of our requests varies from day to day...I think realizing that heightens my awareness of my dependence.

Andrea said...

i love you, hal. and i miss you so much. thank you for your words :) i hope we get to talk next week.