Wednesday, February 02, 2011

waking up to this

and it's getting worse as i type. 6-8 more inches expected. oh man, it's so beautiful. granted, we have no idea what the next few days will look like in the city. there are those who border on hysteria (they are the extreme) and those who are hardly bothered. i'm among the hardly bothered (i mean, our power and heat are on and we're fine...). i just think it's ridiculously beautiful and can't wait to go out back later to play in the snow with my roommates (all three got a snow day. WOO!).

What do you do when you're snowed in (respectively)??!! read books? knit? hang out with cool friends? DRINK HOT CHOCOLATE?? go outside and play in it?? sit in and listen to the excited children outside, discovering it all?? yeah, sounds good to me...


Hallie said...

This makes me smile. I have been cooking, baking, reading and grading allll day. The first three I love and the fourth only gets done on days like these :-)

Andrea said...

oooo, that sounds fun :)