Sunday, May 11, 2008

At the end of a hard day there is always hope

yesterday was rough. I spent the day at a wonderful (recently-discovered) coffee/tea house called the Noble Tree. I worked on homework by myself and spent some time thinking. I was a little overwhelmed about world events. I was reading about Burma, Sudan, Somalia, Lebanon, etc., and was just feeling really heavy. I'm learning how to "give the burden back" to the Lord. We pray "break my heart for the things that break Yours!" hardly expecting the pain to be so real or so great. Part of being given a burden for the world, though, is learning to hand it back to the Lord--for His ultimate glory. He holds the world, not I. This is hard for me to learn.

After a heavy afternoon of questioning and frustration, I had to babysit for 5 hours. I had a little bit of a headache and wasn't feeling up to it but I really need the money. It was actually not that bad because the little guy actually went to 8! so I watched tv...Man on Fire.

Mariah and I both got done babysitting at the same time. We met up with Zach in Culby two to spend some time in prayer, corporately "laying down" our burdens. It was SO refreshing. I am always amazed at how the Spirit lifts and encourages.

While praying, I sensed the need to pray for the Church--especially in these places where so much heartache, war, violence, and oppresion are breaking out or carrying on. God gave me Ephesians 4 and parts of 3--recognizing the need to bring into the light all that is done in darkness, and for the light to remain strong. He's resuscitating His people across the lands...His hand is over His people, we will NOT be overcome. How encouraging to be reminded of the POWER of the Lord--to accomplish all He is doing. Wow. I was overcome with a painful peace. I can't deny the realities of this world (which cause pain) but I also cannot deny the even greater reality of Truth (which brings joy). There is, indeed, great joy in suffering.

It is through suffering that we see God. Suffering is the gateway to heaven. Look at the cross--greatest violence and greatest grace. Incredible.

Be encouraged, Saints! The Lord lives and works!!

1 comment:

enough4me said...

I just have to say your post was encouraging. I feel like I can't breathe sometimes thinking about what has happened around the world. And I have had a hard time knowing what to pray for, there's so much I could pray for but my spirit has been silent. I agree with you though, praying for the believers in these countries to be lighthouses is the best thing we can pray for. They are actually there and would be the best hands and feet of Jesus. I admire your passion for the world. I agree it can be overwhelming sometimes and I can relate to what it feels like wanting to do something and to be everywhere...