Sunday, August 24, 2008

back in chi-town

here i am. in my dorm room. about to start a new semester. crazy...

already the Lord's hand is evident--masterfully orchestrating reunions, conversations, and new beginnings.

last night a group of us went out for coffee at 3rd Coast and then walked down by the lake to watch the fireworks at Navy Pier. It was wonderful.

there are a lot of weird feelings inside of me. I'm trying to rest. I'm trying to say "Lord, you are enough."

i LOVE our room. I'll try to take pictures soon.

I am so blessed by incredible friends.

Tonight we're taking Sarah out to celebrate her engagement. We're dressing up and going to a fancy desert place called "Hot Chocolate." Supposedly its amazing. I'm excited.


Emily said...

Andrea! I'm excited to see you!

Andrea said...

me too!! see you!! :)