i was going to go to trader joe's since i have little fresh food in the apartment but its been raining all day. walking 30 minutes in the rain doesn't sound like a good idea when i've been coughing all morning.
i'm feeling a little bummed about not being home for the "christmas decorating." not that i have been for the past several years...for some reason i really would love to this year. yesterday i walked by a christmas tree lot and suddenly really missed picking out the tree with mom and dad--mom and i caring; dad and luke really not. haha. those are some good memories.
i've decided to "remedy" this homesick-for-traditions feeling by listening to christmas music while writing my paper. i don't know if it is helping or making me miss home more. current favorites: "come thou long expected Jesus," "o holy night," "o come, o come, emmanuel," "once in royal david's city." sung by such artists as sufjan, griffin house, over the rhine, derek webb, and others, i'd say this playlist is pretty darn good.
didn't go to church this morning. instead listened to a matt chandler sermon on "the art of remembrance." i thought it would push me into my paper writing. there's so much that surrounds this issue of memory/remembrance. it's very intriguing to me.
want to see some recent pictures of Sam? here are some from thanksgiving...i wasn't with them but kristen sent some pictures.
Becky (Jay's mom) gave Sam his christmas present early so she could be there to watch the assembly:
cute families! this is Jay's sister and husband...and sam's little cousin zavier.
i spent thanksgiving with melissa and her family in the suburbs. it was really wonderful to take a breather from school. i love her family more than i can tell. they are amazing. her dad is just wonderful. anyway, mel and i spent good time together and even got some homework done :)
sam told me today that he can't wait for fun times with Auntie. he wants to take a sauna with you, eat star toast and coffee with you, go sledding in the backyard with you, and laugh with you. he said mom and dad can have the whole time off and you will be his grown-up. pretty nice set up if you ask me.
are you sure that is sam talking and not you? because it sounds like what sam wants is an awful lot like what you want...?
but of course i'll be his grown-up!! you left out cuddling in bed together in the early morning :)
oops. that is my post (andrea) but i'm on lacy's computer. haha. i always do stuff like that when i'm on here!!
and the early cuddle time... IT IS ALL YOURS!
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