Thursday, October 29, 2009

6 papers in 6 weeks

With six weeks left of school i decided it was necessary to sit down and determine what still has to be done--with regard to major papers/projects. I have 6 papers to 6 weeks.

i think one of the reasons i haven't felt like a student this semester is the lack of writing (except for two 3-5 pagers but they don't a result, i'm not in that "writing mindset.' ugh, i don't like it). i really enjoy writing papers--at least ones that require research, thought, and a heavier sense of quality. so i think at least 4 of these papers will be really fun/challenging to write. here are the subjects:

1. Violence and Memory: Rightly Remembering the Holocaust
2. Postmodern Hermeneutics: Critique, Evaluation, and Application.
3. Implementing Church Planting Methods in the Revival of Existing Congregations
4. A Biblical Theology of Herem: Old Testament Holy War

then I have two to write for my independent study course on the Gospel of John. They aren't as "major," though.

so i guess I have a paper a week to work on. not bad...

and tonight i'm finishing up two others i've had going for a different independent course. it will be nice to only have campus courses next semester...

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