Tuesday, April 06, 2010


1. knitting on spring days is a wonderful distraction from other responsibilities :)

2. a cookies and cream ice cream bar on a warm spring evening is equally as wonderful, in its own way.

3. i need a break from the city. in other words, i really hope i am able to find a car before summer begins so that i have the option of driving out and away every now and again.

4. i wish there was a mountain in my backyard.

5. i miss tucson.

6. thunderstorms thrill me in a way nothing else does. they are spectacular.

7. i love walking in the rain with chacos.

8. i am hoping for a summer road-trip.

9. i bought Sandra McCracken's new hymns cd, In Feast or Fallow.

10. daffodils are my "happiest flower." i love them so very much. thank you, Trader Joe's, for $1.49 bundles of bright yellow to brighten up my days!!

also, a few pictures from our Easter celebration:

1 comment:

Callie Glaze said...

I love you, trader joes, thunder storms, hoping for a road trip and walking in the rain... oh and you :)