Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Putting Things in Perspective

Please Pray.
My Grandma took my Grandpa to the emergency room in the middle of the night last night. His chemo has recently been having a huge affect on him. He has been throwing up a lot and is really malnourished and dehydrated. They have him hooked up to an IV but he's really weak. When he was throwing up last night he started bleeding internally. They don't really know what's wrong, he'll be in testing all day today. I love him so much. I wish I could be there with him...I'm grateful for the time I'll have at thanksgiving.
Times like these help put life in perspective. What is really important? How do we spend our time? How should we spend our time? What things are lasting and therefore worth devoting ourselves to?...just some thoughts.
Please pray.


Sheri said...

I am also praying Andrea, you are loved and I can't imagine how hard this is...Rest in God's Arms.

M. Perkins said...
